Hungary dilute mutation Gouldians finch – The official nomination at the Expert meeting of OMJ septembar 2016. and participate in the work around the proposal for the admission of new mutations Gouldians finch named Hungary dilute mutation Gouldinas finch. This PROPOSAL was given at the OMJ Expert Meeting in collaboration with outstanding breeders and geneticists for Gouldinans finches and promoters of this mutation in the world, Mr. Csaba Fekete and Mr. Csaba Kuzmos from Hungary.
EUMO mutatione NEW mutatione the Zebra finch – This PROPOSAL was accepted at the OMJ Expert Meeting in September 2018 in Cervia, Italy and the Eumo mutation Zebra finch is in the Recognition Process! This PROPOSAL was made in collaboration with the outstanding breeder of Zebra finch and the promoter of this mutation in the world, Mr. Jelmer Hiusman from the Netherlands
Diferential poents – This PROPOSAL applies to all Evaluation lists for birds whose exterior is judged and will be re-exposed at the next OMJ Expert meeting, as it was not accepted at a previous meeting, for technical reasons! This PROPOSAL was made with the support of all fellow judges for birds from Serbia and many from around the world, members of the OMJ expert team and especially colleagues of Secretary of the OMJ Mr. Alessandro Paparella, Mr. Vladimir Oparnica, Colleague MarieChristine Lefevre, Colleague Tony Karsten Noy, they are all OMJ judge for exotic birds.
COM Key for Zebra finch – This PROPOSAL for COM Key for Zebra finch was accepted as a WORKING PROPOSAL at the last OMJ Expert Meeting in September 2018 in Cervia, Italy!
COM key for Gouldinas finch – This PROPOSAL for COM Key for Gouldians finch was accepted as a WORKING PROPOSAL at the last OMJ Expert Meeting in September 2018 in Cervia, Italy!
COM Key for Bengalese finch – This PROPOSAL for COM Key for Bengalese finch has been prepared for the next OMJ Expert meeting!
New mutations in Timor zebra finch and their standardization – The PROPOSAL was not accepted because it is too early, since there are not enough exhibitions exponats, in these mutations in the world. These mutations appeared in Serbia in the flock of Dr. Milan Paunovic and in several other breeders in the world, in Italy and the Netherlands.